Barbara Nicholas, a researcher of the Pozzuoli biomolecular chemistry under the Italian National Research Council, announced recently that her research team has found that abandoned tomato skin can be used to make pollution-free plastic bags.
Nicholas said on the same day that the Italian press has introduced research findings that people know that tomatoes can be processed into canned foods such as tomato sauce, but people may not know that about 40% of raw materials such as tomato peels and tomato seeds are processed during processing. However, it was lost as waste. Researchers have extracted complex saccharides from these abandoned tomato wastes, especially from tomato peels. Through refining and purification processes, these substances can be converted into a series of biodegradable and environmentally friendly plastic products.
Nicholas stressed that the project has achieved sustainable economic and environmental development, which not only ensures the recycling and reuse of waste, but also maintains the environment and saves resources, while reducing the cost of garbage collection and disposal, and creating more job opportunities. Got it.
It has also been reported that tomato industrial waste has so far been successfully used in the manufacture of resins, artificial blood plasma products, and medical supplies. (Liu Gong)
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