Analysis of development trend of boutique packaging

The 21st century is a century of environmental protection. People are eager to research new packaging materials and environmentally friendly design methods to reduce the environmental problems caused by packaging solid waste. Innovations in packaging materials are as follows: used for heat insulation, shockproof, impact and perishable pulp molding packaging materials; in the design to reduce the late difficult to decompose materials for packaging, try to use light weight, small size, Easy to crush or flatten, easy to separate materials.

Personalized packaging design is a kind of design method that involves a wide range of influences. It has great influence and influence on corporate image, product itself, or social effect. The shaping and expression of the packaging image is toward the natural and lively humanity and organic shape development, and it gives the packaging personality quality and unique style to attract consumers. When designing a box, it must be considered systematically. Analysis of the actual situation should be made in different perspectives and positions in order to establish and understand various factors that should be considered.

With the rapid development of modern science and technology, general packaging anti-counterfeiting technology has no effect on counterfeiters. Strengthening the visual effect of packaging design and strengthening the packaging and printing industry technology has become a powerful weapon in counterfeiting and defending rights. The innovative method of packaging box design is combined with the printing industry technology that integrates high-tech achievements. The pursuit of innovative and unique originality and unique visual effects is another direction for the sustainable development of the packaging industry in the future.

The packaging industry has a salient feature that distinguishes it from the rest of the industry - it does not have its own stereotyped product. Enterprises in the packaging industry are not suitable for enterprises that are depleting the market. They have stereotyped products that can be used for depletion to sell. They are also incompatible with the upstream suppliers of a certain wealth chain, and they can sell stereotyped spare parts to inferior enterprises. Consumers of packaging companies are neither consumers nor companies on a specific wealth chain, but are builders (ie packaging users) who have a variety of products and have bizarre needs for packaging in all walks of life. The variety of products that these packaging users need to package, even exceed the variety of goods sold by any supermarket. Packaging suppliers are less likely to use one or more stereotyped products to package unsuitable products for unsuitable packaging users. Therefore, the packaging industry is a supporting industry for all industries, and it is generally said that it is the weakest industry with "self-reliance".

In fact, packaging for each product packaged by a user is equivalent to one item as its packaging supplier. Packaging suppliers first need to grasp the shape, size, weight, crispness, storage and transportation requests, distribution junctures, and sales of such products, and then plan the packaging's structure, materials, and production process, and then place the packaging according to the beat of the packaging user's product. Production and distribution.

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

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[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

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