Gartner: 3D printing ahead of consumption in 2015

According to the Forbes website, the IT research team of market research firm Gartner recently announced the top ten IT trend forecasts for 2015, including computing everywhere, Internet of Things, 3D printing and more.

Gartner believes that these strategic technology trends may have a significant impact on the business in the next three years. The following is a summary of them:

1. Calculate everywhere

Gartner estimates that as smartphone technology continues to grow, companies will focus more on meeting the needs of mobile users in a variety of different contexts and environments, rather than just focusing on devices. Gartner believes that smartphones and wearables are part of the computing device deployment movement that places networked screens in the workplace and in public places. User experience design will be critical.

2. Internet of Things (IoT)

Driven by ubiquitous user-oriented computing devices, the Internet of Things will continue to expand. Gartner expects this to happen in both industrial and operational environments, and it will be the focus of digital commercial products and processes. More in-depth embedding technology will give users a ubiquitous touch. This will form the basis of digital commerce.

3. 3D printing

The cost of 3D printing will decline in the next three years, prompting the rapid expansion of the low-cost 3D printer market. Its industrial use will continue to expand. Gartner emphasizes that the expansion of this technology will be particularly prominent in industrial, biomedical and consumer applications, highlighting the tangible presence of this trend, proving that 3D printing is a viable and cost-effective way to improve design and simplify prototyping. And short-term manufacturing helps reduce costs.

4. Invisible advanced data analysis penetrates everywhere

Due to the trend of the Internet of Things and the continued development of embedded devices, data analysis technology will continue to improve. A large amount of structured and unstructured data will still form inside and outside the future organizational structure. Gartner points out that every application needs to be an analytics application. It also concludes that big questions and big answers are more important than big data itself.

5. Environmentally aware systems

Embedded intelligence, ubiquitous with analytical techniques that permeate everywhere, will promote the development of systems that are alert and responsive to the surrounding environment. Gartner emphasizes that context-aware security is an early application of this trend and that other applications will emerge in the future.

6. Intelligent machine

The combination of data analysis technology and context-aware technology will spawn intelligent machines. Advanced algorithms will lead to systems that are self-learning and action-based. Gartner points out that machine assistants will continue to evolve based on current driverless car prototypes, advanced robots, virtual personal assistants and smart consultants. It also expects that the era of intelligent machines will be the most subversive era in IT history.

7. Cloud/client architecture

Mobile computing and cloud computing will continue to converge, triggering the development of centralized, coordinated applications that can be delivered to any device. Gartner points out that cloud computing is the foundation for flexible application extensions and self-service computing capabilities, whether they are internal or external. Applications that use smart and client device storage will benefit from lower bandwidth costs, and coordination and management will be cloud-based. Gartner also pointed out that over time, applications will evolve to the point where they support the use of multiple devices at the same time. In the future, game and enterprise applications will use multiple screens and use wearables and other devices to provide a better experience.

8. Software-defined infrastructure and applications

Agile development methods, from basic infrastructure functions to everything in the application, are essential to the flexibility companies need to deliver digital business efficiently. Software-defined networking, storage, data center and security technologies are maturing. Application programming interface (API) calls make cloud service software configurable, and applications have rich APIs to access their functionality and content. Gartner pointed out that dealing with the ever-changing needs of digital businesses requires computing to switch from static to dynamic.

9. Web scale IT

Gartner pointed out that in the future, more companies will think, act and build applications and infrastructure in the way of technology giants such as Amazon, Google, and Facebook. As commercial hardware platforms embrace new models, cloud optimization and software-defined approaches become mainstream, and enterprises will move toward Web-scale IT. Gartner points out that the combination of coordinated development and operations is the first step in Web-scale IT.

10. Risk-based security and self-protection technology

Gartner concludes that security will remain an important consideration during the evolution to the digital future, but the technology should not be overly harsh, otherwise progress will be curbed. As many companies realize that 100% secure solutions are not possible, risk-based security and self-protection technologies will become more mainstream, and more advanced risk assessments and risk reduction methods will be available at the process and tool level in the future. Implementation. Gartner pointed out that with the emergence of multifaceted solutions, perimeter defense systems will be widely considered to be infeasible technologies. Security-aware application design, dynamic and static application security testing, runtime application self-protection, and proactive context awareness and adaptive access control are all essential.


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