Limit the excessive packaging "national standards" in the end who will supervise?

As one of the most important ways for major companies to increase product appeal and earn high profits, Gorgeous packaging has always been one of the indispensable components of most commodities in the domestic consumer market. Especially in recent years, as people’s awareness of health care in terms of health, beauty, and health care has become stronger, products represented by high-end supplements, health products, and cosmetics are constantly upgrading their own luxury “clothes” and become The epitome of "selling packaging".

Not long ago, some media reported that during the 11th Golden Week of this year, the appearance of commodities in the market that became more important in nature has become more common, which has also aroused the attention of many people.

According to consumer reports, there are excessive packaging such as tea, wine, clothing, and electronic products in large shopping malls in some parts of the world. In particular, the packaging of cosmetics is seriously excessive. For example, a few centimeters long skin care products, the size of the external packaging box is more than ten times the product itself. Many customers often find it cost-effective when they first see this large box, but after buying it, they know that it is "silhouetted."

As a matter of fact, as early as 2010, China had already introduced the “Regulations for the restriction of excessive packaging of goods and food and cosmetics requirements” and began to implement. The regulations clearly state that the outer packaging of edible goods and cosmetics cannot be more than three layers, and the voidage of the packaging must not exceed 60%. Most importantly, the cost of packaging cannot be higher than 15% of the selling price of the product. So, why is there so much extra product in the market?

Careful observation is not difficult to find, the most direct reason for this phenomenon is that many businesses are driven by interest. They hope that they can improve their appearance by beautifying the appearance of their products, and in doing so raise the selling price and thus win more economic profits. For example, a single skin care product, a shirt, and a bottle of health-care medicine do not seem to have a lot of selling points. Once a large-scale packaging gift box is added to the outside, it will immediately give people a “tall” impression. . In this way, even if the sales lions open up, no one will not buy it.

However, from a deeper level of analysis, this also reflects the fact that people today have more serious misunderstandings in their consumption outlook. Many consumers always believe that the level of packaging of goods is directly proportional to the actual value of goods - that is, only the purchase of luxury products that look luxury, can value for money, in order to fidelity, durability, in order to face. This also explains to a certain extent, it is the buyer's own excessive emphasis on the form, and even some greed for the vanity of the mentality, making sellers rely on the idea of ​​over-packaging profit became a reality.

According to some industry experts, in addition to being able to extend the basic functions of product shelf life and avoid damage during the transport process, packaging does not actually have more practical value, but it wants to eliminate this in the era of an “eyeball economy” as much as possible. The phenomenon of waste requires a concerted effort in many aspects.

In fact, some other countries are also facing the problem of over-standard goods packaging, but they have established a waste collection system in time, which has played a good role in limiting the waste caused by excessive packaging. Therefore, relevant departments should make reference and learn from it, and try to implement some regulatory and penalties measures based on the existing National Standard Requirements for Restricting Overpacking of Commodities. For example, the management organization constantly inspects various types of commodities on the market. Once it is discovered that the merchants have over-packaged their products, they will be given confiscation of excessive commodities, fines, etc., in order to guide the merchants to realize product packaging.

At the same time, businesses should also establish a sense of conservation and environmental protection in a timely manner, reduce the cost of investment in the packaging of goods, and instead focus their efforts on product development, upgrades, production safety and other links, in order to compete with real-quality quality advantage market share. In addition, consumers should also correct their own erroneous consumption views in a timely manner and cultivate a sense of shopping that emphasizes quality rather than appearance. If no one looks for luxury goods, businesses will naturally no longer have to work hard to dress them up. All these can effectively alleviate the waste caused by excessive packaging.


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[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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