Packaging and Decoration in the WTO Era Focus on Designing Ideas (I)

[Abstract] The concept of packaging and decoration in the WTO era is to make goods more reasonable and perfect in circulation, and to gain the recognition of consumers' psychology, and to promote economic development at a faster speed. The design should also reflect the functional concept of packaging and Mounting positioning concept.
Key words: WTO packaging; decoration; design concept; positioning concept CLC: F743; TB482 Document code: B Article ID: 1001-3563(2003)05-0082-02

Attention to the Design Prindple of Packaging and Decoration in the WTO Age
XU Yong-cheng,XU Jun

(Hubei the Faculty of Engineering Art Design College.Wuhan 430070,China)
Abstract: WTO ages packing, decoration design principle also make merchandise is in circulate more reasonably perfect, and get the approbation of the consumer mental state, plsh the economic development with the faster sped. Design inside more should the function Pnnciple that pack now with pack the fixed position principle of the decoration.
Key words: WT0 packaging;Decoration;Design the Pnnciple;The fixed position of the design pnnciple

In order to adapt the commodities to the requirements of the WTO era, to compete in the international market and to meet the needs of the domestic market, their packaging and decoration should focus on embodying rational and brand-new design concepts, namely the functional concept of packaging and the positioning concept of decoration. Therefore, the modern packaging and decoration design should combine the excellent artistic design philosophy of our country with the concept of modern art design, so that the packaging and decoration design has both ethnic characteristics and modern flavor, in order to continuously improve the consumer needs of the WTO era.
1 The packaging design in the WTO era focuses on functional concepts a. Production concept. Packaging design to ensure that the modelling is exquisite and beautiful, it should consider whether the design can be rapid, accurate, batch production, fast and accurate packaging and packing, sealing and sealing. When designing, according to the attributes and value of the goods, the corresponding packaging materials should be selected so that the value of the packaging materials is consistent with the value of the goods. It should also be considered that efforts should be made to shorten the production time so as to adapt to the fast-paced circulation speed of the goods;
b. Safety concept. Mainly refers to the security protection measures in terms of product attributes, storage, transportation, exhibition, sales, use and so on. Different commodities should choose different packaging materials for the purpose of protection. The available materials are: wood, metal, ceramic, glass, plastic cardboard, etc. When selecting materials, the properties of the goods must consider the pressure resistance, tensile strength, anti-squeezing, anti-wear, etc. of the packaging materials, as well as precautionary measures such as sun protection, moisture protection, anti-corrosion, leak-proof, and fire prevention to ensure that the goods are in any situation. Both are intact;
c. Applicable concept. Refers to the use of goods in the storage, transportation, exhibition and other processes and consumers to carry, use, etc., that is, box-type structure design should take into account ergonomics. In order to achieve different applicable purposes, the packaging structure is in the form of portable, suspended, open, windowed, closed, or a combination of several forms. These forms consist of long, wide, and thick facades that form the three-dimensional shape of the squares, corners, and gardens, with separate and combined shapes. Design should pay attention to the proportion of box-type structure is reasonable, rigorous structure, exquisite shape, focusing on box-shaped form and material of beauty, contrast and coordination of beauty, rhythm and rhythm of the United States. Strive for the complete function and exquisite shape of the box structure to meet the needs of production, sales and use;
d. Environmental protection concept. It is the material for the packaging of the product and its effect on the environment after use. Some packaging materials are not easily recycled or reused after they have been used or broken. Such as: plastics, ceramics and other materials packaging waste, it is the pollution of the bad environment. The “white trash” in life can be seen outside, affecting the appearance of the city. These packaging materials are also difficult to recycle, reuse, and waste resources. In today's severely polluted environment, the selection of materials for packaging design should pay special attention to the selection of materials that are free from pollution, easily recycled, and reused. (To be continued)

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