There are many cases of price fraud in the home building materials industry. These fraudulent means are unpredictable. Today, Xiaobian comes to check out some of the more common price frauds.
Fictional original price
“Original price†refers to the lowest transaction price of the transaction notes traded by the operator at the trading venue within 7 days before the price reduction; if there is no transaction price within the previous 7 days, the last transaction price before the price reduction is used as the original price.
False gift
When selling goods or services by means of out-of-the-money gifts, the name and quantity of the gift items are not properly marked or the counterfeit and shoddy goods are used as gifts. The most common one is “buy one get one freeâ€.
Failure to fulfill price commitment
If there is a price commitment before the acquisition, sale of goods and provision of services, the merchants cannot make promises when they purchase.
False price
The product name, origin, specifications, grade, texture, pricing unit, price or service items, and charging standards of the products marked on the price list and price list do not match the actual contents.
Misleading price
Common such as "zero profit", "last piece (set)", "last day", etc.; typical such as "50% off the audience", but only one or a few products are 50% off, other commodity discounts For a 50% discount, there is no discount.
These price frauds are superficial in appearance and are essentially a nature. Unicom International Home reminds consumers that they are optimistic about the preferential activities of the home building materials industry. As the saying goes, a penny is worth the goods. The more you offer, the more you should be vigilant.
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