sRGB represents the standard red, green, and blue, which are the three basic pigments used for color reproduction in CRT displays, LCD panels, projectors, printers, and other devices. The color space of sRGB is based on independent color coordinates, which can make the colors correspond to the same color coordinate system in the transmission of different devices, without being affected by the different color coordinates of these devices.
The sRGB of the projection display system was jointly developed by Microsoft Corporation, Seiko Epson Corporation, and Mitsubishi Corporation. The purpose is to establish a color management standard that can meet the needs of computers and projection displays, so that the display device can be correctly analyzed without special color information Show image file.
sRGB eliminates the original differences in color reproduction of different display systems. The RGB colors between different display devices will naturally change, so the colors cannot be reproduced correctly after passing through different display devices. Nowadays, as computer-assisted presentation equipment is increasingly becoming a key tool for market development, correct image and color reproduction have become more important than ever. With sRGB technology, users can ensure a unified color whether they use CRT equipment to watch or put it through a projector that adapts to the sRGB standard.
Why is this important? When color becomes an important part of the key information that plays a decisive role, the role played by color cannot be ignored. For example: when putting in a sample image of clothing from a computer, it needs to be true and accurate color reproduction without deviation; the same is true in the medical field, such as tissue specimens, etc.
The sRGB of the projection display system was jointly developed by Microsoft Corporation, Seiko Epson Corporation, and Mitsubishi Corporation. The purpose is to establish a color management standard that can meet the needs of computers and projection displays, so that the display device can be correctly analyzed without special color information Show image file.
sRGB eliminates the original differences in color reproduction of different display systems. The RGB colors between different display devices will naturally change, so the colors cannot be reproduced correctly after passing through different display devices. Nowadays, as computer-assisted presentation equipment is increasingly becoming a key tool for market development, correct image and color reproduction have become more important than ever. With sRGB technology, users can ensure a unified color whether they use CRT equipment to watch or put it through a projector that adapts to the sRGB standard.
Why is this important? When color becomes an important part of the key information that plays a decisive role, the role played by color cannot be ignored. For example: when putting in a sample image of clothing from a computer, it needs to be true and accurate color reproduction without deviation; the same is true in the medical field, such as tissue specimens, etc.
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