In order to extend the shelf life of products and apply them to the field of electronic commerce, and in order to reduce the total cost of flexible packaging, the barrier properties of packaging materials for fast moving consumer goods are particularly important. Advances in barrier technology made it possible for Toray Plastics (America).
Toray introduced two new high-barrier polyester film products, Lumirror® MK61HB and PA1HB, as a new alternative to foil, PVdC-coated PET and OPP, and AIO-coated PET. MK61HB metalized film provides excellent oxygen barrier and moisture protection; PA1HB film is oxygen barrier and has excellent odor barrier properties.
These two new films were developed on the basis of Toray's existing PET. Its excellent heat resistance and improved printing surface are well known. The biaxial orientation of the new film and the barrier coating are embedded together and streamlined, which is unique in the film industry.
Toray's thin-film coating formulation does not contain chlorine. The chlorine-free coating is an important characteristic for PVdC replacements, and the metallization of MK61HB is also done by Toray. For sealing, Toray can be sealed by extrusion coating technology. Toray can metalize and extrude barrier coatings based on customer requirements for barrier, seal, and aesthetics.
According to Kerri Boyens, product manager of Toray Plastics (USA)'s new product R&D department, “The barrier film market is changing and the chemical composition of the film is also changing. The health food that can be carried around is increasingly popular, and extending the shelf life of food is particularly important. In addition, the daily sales of daily consumables are also increasing, and it is a good solution to improve the production of oxygen- and moisture-proof and odor-barrier films, such as Toray MK61HB and PA1HB polyester films. There are few manufacturing steps."
MK61HB metallized film and PA1HB film are designed to be used as the outer layer of a two-layer film or the middle layer of a three-layer film. Their adhesive layer is suitable for lamination, adhesive coating or printing. They are an ideal material choice for regular bags, stand bags, and lids. They are suitable for use in inflatable packaging, such as coffee, traditional healthy snacks, biscuits, and other bakery products. They are also used in confectionery, powdered foods, and pet foods. package. At the same time, they are also ideal materials for health care, beauty, personal care, household products and detergent packaging.
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