Tiandi first and introduce the harm of TVOC to the human body

Tiandi first and introduce the harm of TVOC to the human body

TVOC can be odorous, irritating, and some compounds are genotoxic. It is currently believed that TVOC can cause imbalance of immune level, affect central nervous system function, and have symptoms such as dizziness, headache, lethargy, weakness, chest tightness, etc. It may also affect the digestive system, loss of appetite, nausea, etc. In severe cases, it may damage the liver and Hematopoietic system, allergic reactions, etc.

It is generally believed that the normal, non-industrial indoor environment TVOC concentration level does not lead to tumors and cancer in the human body. When the TVOC concentration is 3.0-25 mg/m3, it will cause irritation and discomfort. When combined with other factors, headache may occur. When the VOC concentration is greater than 25 mg/m3, other neurotoxic effects may occur in addition to headache. .

Leather Dog Leash

Leather dog leash (also called a lead, lead line or tether) is a rope or similar material used to control an animal by attaching it to a collar, harness, or halter. In British English, a leash is generally for a larger (possibly dangerous or aggressive) animal, with lead being more commonly used when walking a dog.

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