Consumers should pay attention to the purchase of decorative panels

  For the average consumer, the decorative board is a strange product, and often its quality is judged by its appearance. In fact, many factors affect its internal quality.

  1. Different processing techniques, the veneer sticks to the bottom surface and is subjected to two processes of cold pressing and hot pressing. Some small manufacturers produce products that are not subjected to hot pressing and are easily cracked.

  2 , the veneer thickness is different, it is recommended that you buy thick leather decorative board. The service life is extended and the solid wood effect is good.

  3 , the base plate is different, sorted by performance, poplar is not as good as the wood, and the wood is not as good as the willow. It is recommended that you buy the bottom of the willow.

4 , the formaldehyde content is different, the different formulas in the process rubber contain different amounts of formaldehyde, the national formaldehyde content of less than 40mg/100g is classified as an environmentally friendly product.

5 , the grade is different, the grade of the national decorative board is divided into excellent, first-class, qualified. The enterprise standard is divided into no watering . The division of AA and A refers to the appearance quality rather than the internal quality level. However, please pay attention to the purchase. At present, some small manufacturers in China define different brands according to the different color levels. However, all of them are marked with a water-proof trademark, which confuses consumers. Please distinguish them carefully.

Lipsticks are intended to add color and texture to the Lips and often come in a wide range of colors, as well as finishes such as matte, satin and lustre. Lip stains have a water or gel base and may contain alcohol to help the product stay on the lips. The idea behind lip stains is to temporarily saturate the lips with a dye. Usually designed to be waterproof, the product may come with an applicator brush, rollerball, or be applied with a finger.

Lipstick is a cosmetic containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emolliemt that apply color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many colors and types of lipstick exist. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates back to medieval times.19


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Zhejiang Zhongyimei Industry Co., Ltd ,