Humidity control is crucial for print and paper quality

JS Humidifiers recently introduced a digital hygrometer that allows printers to accurately control the humidity around their presses and paper storage areas.

The company claims that in certain production areas, the air humidity must be kept above 50%, otherwise it will cause problems such as paper curling, static electricity build-up, paper roll breakage, and overprinting. In the cold winter, the internal humidity of the printing plant is even reduced to 20%, because warming the cold air will reduce the humidity of the air.

Once the paper is exposed to dry air, its moisture will begin to run off, and when they are stored in paper rolls or paper piles, there may be different moisture inside and outside the paper. This phenomenon can cause curl on the edges of the paper, and it can cause paper failure in the printer.

In addition, when the same job is printed on paper with different water content, overprinting of the image may also be inaccurate.

When the relative humidity of the printing shop is lower than 40%, static electricity will appear; and when the relative humidity is kept above 50%, the phenomenon of electrostatic accumulation will automatically disappear.

In general, any printer that has been troubled by the above problems should take some measurements of its own humidity in order to eliminate the interference of the dry environment with the production.

The free digital hygrometer provided by the British company JS not only shows the current humidity and temperature of the printing plant, but also shows the maximum and minimum values ​​of air humidity in any time period.