The rapid development of the aquaculture industry, the rise of the pet market, and the frequent occurrence of human-to-human epidemics have made the vaccine market more and more important to the market. Vaccine bottles have also become key products for some pharmaceutical packaging companies.
Vaccine bottles have always been dominated by controlled and molded bottles. With the development of technology, plastic vaccine bottles have also gradually been adopted. This has caused some pharmaceutical companies to find different glass and plastic bottle manufacturers in the process of purchasing vaccine bottles. At present, some pharmaceutical glass bottle companies begin to manufacture and operate plastic vaccine bottles, which brings real convenience to buyers and they also hold customers in their own hands.
From the packaging cost point of view, plastic vaccine bottles do have a significant reduction in costs, while using and opening more convenient. However, plastic bottle vaccine bottles are still not well-solved for some vaccines with special packaging requirements. The glass vaccine bottle indeed has many inconvenient factors in terms of packaging, and it is worth improving.
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